Power Theory Studio Report with Video Update
YOUTUBE VIDEO Power Theory Studio Report can be found by clicking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XYUdIaF5ZI

Pure Steel Records artist, Power Theory, have released the following information and a brief video regarding their forthcoming 3rd CD release that’s planned for a 4th Quarter 2013 release. Founder Bob “BB” Ballinger has announced the CD will be titled “Driven by Fear” and the band is recording at a new studio with Matt DiFabio (Single Bullet Theory, Hard Attack Entertainment) as Engineer and Associate Producer and Peter Baltes (Accept) overseeing the project as Executive Producer. Matt’s home studio is a guitar sound mecca with an endless choice of amp heads.

The new cover art work has been completed by Timo Wuerz (www.timowuerz.de) from Germany who has worked with Halloween and Steel Assassin.

“We are 5 songs in with guitars and Matt has helped us create some amazing guitar tones, as we are pushing for this album to be much heavier sounding without losing our traditional metal sound and dynamics. That’s where Peter’s experience and excellence will be present by making sure we maintain the integrity of our style and stay true to the metal.”

Ballinger also noted that the band welcomes Drew Foster as their new bassist. Drew has been involved with Power Theory for 4 years now with photography, video, web design, and cd layouts, and has been along for every step of the way so far. Drew is a rock solid bassist.

Look forward to more video updates to come soon.

Power Theorys Album AN AXE TO GRIND kann direkt über ihr Label PURE STELL RECORDS bestellt werden!

Power Theory  www.powertheory.net

Quelle: Rockt Queen Promotion

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