Raven Lord TV - Episode 04 - Guitar Demonstration and RAVEN LORD Update

The fourth episode of Raven Lord TV from multinational metallers RAVEN LORD can be seen below. George Karafotis gives a brief update on RAVEN LORD activity, announces and demonstrates his new endorsed instrument. George Karafotis is proudly endorsed by VGS Guitars.

Raven Lord TV - Episode 04: http://youtu.be/wLvWpShG7zw

RAVEN LORD recently added current POWER QUEST drummer Rich Smith to the group’s ranks.


Csaba Zvekan (Killing Machine) – Vocals
Joe Stump (Holyhell, Reing of Terror) – Lead Guitar
Jamie Mallender (Tony Martin) – Bass
Rich Smith (Power Quest) – Drums
George Karafotis (Vermillion Days) – Guitar
Alessandro Duo (Voodoo Highway) – Keyboards

Press Quote: “…Raven Lord and one of the best power metal albums in the last couple years…the power metal masterpiece that is ‘Descent to the Underworld‘ …” (Metal Delirium)

RAVEN LORD confirmed festivals R-Mine METALFEST in Belgium 2013 and Netherlands Summer shows:

15. June Palma de Mallorca, SPAIN
22. June R-Mine Metalfest 2013,Tongeren, BELGIUM
28. June P3, Purmerend, NETHERLANDS
29. June In the mix, Uithoorn, NETHERLANDS

more shows to be announced very soon…

RAVEN LORD recently released their debut album, “Descent To The Underworld“ worldwide via Mausoleum Records. The CD was mixed by acclaimed Swedish producer Fredrik Nordström (AT THE GATES, ARCH ENEMY, NIGHTRAGE, IN FLAMES, DREAM EVIL, OPETH) and was mastered by U.S. mastering engineer Maor Appelbaum (SEPULTURA, HALFORD, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, ANGRA, DOKKEN). The cover artwork was created by Brazilian artist Caio Caldas of CadiesArt, who has previously worked with DORO, PAUL DI’ANNO, SEVEN KINGDOMS, DOMINANZ and VIOLET SUN among others.


Quelle: Rock N Growl

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