Face Down (Southern Thrash - FR)

FACEDOWN returns stronger than ever, and still with their groovy neck breaking and ass moving rhythms !

After their first EP "The runaway" greatly encouraged by the critics, the 5 nearly Parisians are back to re-affirm their stoner thrash and at the same time groovy and ass moving style.
The new and debut album "The Long Lost Future" explores the new facets of their style with the incorporation of the new singer (an Englishman straight out of Spain!!).

Stream and share the entire album : http://facedownband.bandcamp.com/
Order CD and tee shirt : http://shop.blackwave-promotion.com

Track list :
1 - Lone Ranger
2 - My Last Tequila
3 - Horse Power
4 - Smoke Coat
5 - Under The Sun
6 - Kiss Of Death
7 - Only Human
8 - N°1 Must Die
9 - Blow Away The Dust
10 - Poker Time
11 - Evil Blues

Official release date : 8th April
Label : Autoproduction
Distribution : http://shop.blackwave-promotion.com

Quelle: Blue Wave Production

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