DIO MESSIAH New Song Available For Streaming

DIO MESSIAH is Csaba Zvekan (Raven Lord, Exorcism) and Jay Parmar (Exorcism) playing straight up DIO songs. The idea came too play all possible DIO songs from the Elf, Rainbow, Black Sabbath, DIO und Heaven and Hell era. A new approach of today’s recording technique with a modern style and still keep true to the original. The Band presents the new song “Rock N Growl Children” and gives an idea on how the band sounds like. The song can be streamed below:

DIO MESSIAH is currently seeking for a bass player, drummer and keyboardist to complete the Band. Serious parties are asked to send a video or link of themselves playing any song to the management: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


Quelle: Rock N Growl

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