"The Gioconda Smile" - The debut album of Nic Polimeno - Out on May the 31st

Tanzan Music Records are proud to introduce "The Gioconda Smile", the debut album of the young and talented guitar player and singer Nic Polimeno.
The album collects ten tracks and shows Nic's musical style both in the form of songs and instrumental music. The compositions display Nic's blues roots mixed with some psychedelic influence and show the skillfullness and novelty of this project. The entire album is an homage to the well played music, recorded by young and gifted guys who have been working together on several different projects.
The artistic production has been followed by Marco Tansini who pulled out the pop side of Nic's music without compromising the original attitude.
The album is enriched by the coauthor work of the english singer Nigel Baley, Mario Percudani (Hungryheart, Mitch Malloy, An Apple A Day) and Marco Tansini. This resulted in a high impact album, ready for the radios but with no compromises on the musical side. A true and direct album that will capture the listener.
The band, after the appearence on the national TV channel RAI 5, will be touring for promoting the new album

The album will be released on May the 31st on CD and digital download If you’d like to receive a promo copy of “The Gioconda Smile” please reply to this email.

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You can find our complete catalogue at www.tanzanmusic.com

Quelle: Tanzan Music

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