dEMOTIONAL hit the Swedish album charts with “State: In Denial” on #40!

dEMOTIONAL debut with “State: In Denial” at the official Swedish album charts at #40 in week 21 (and also on #5 in the official Hard Rock charts).

Congratulations to their label Dead End Exit Records and their distributor Sound Pollution!

“State: In Denial” seems to have been a long-awaited piece of metal. With critics saying: “some of the best Metalcore I have heard in a very long time” and “listen to this album and learn” the Swedish six-pack directly claimed a spot in the album charts!

We’re in charge for the PR of this release world-wide and still have got this title available as promotional download via Haulix for all press & radio. Here comes a link to the video clip of their single “Alive” for advance listening:

Swedish album charts:

Quelle: GerMusica Promotion & Management

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