independent release  
Culminated from various wastelands in the New York City region, a mysterious and atrocious occult metal entity has infiltrated humanity. TELOCH VOVIN, a cult of harbingers with fully malicious and maniacal intent, has unleashed its introductory recording in the form of “I”.  
A collection of off-kilter hymns summoned in an organic and spontaneous environment, “I” rampages with nearly thirty-five minutes of low-fi, dispirited blackened filth as simultaneously bizarre and unhinged as it is triumphantly iniquitous. TELOCH VOVIN’s jagged, high-speed buzzsaw riffing and vomitous vocals clash with doom-laden slow-motion dirges, the tone giving one the feeling these warriors’ amps are literally about to explode in an electrical inferno, the anomalous ring of bells chiming through the melee. With influences of Gorgorth, Funeral Mist, Black Sabbath, Celtic Frost and Bathor coalescing into something devotees of Furze, Peste Noire, Striborg, Leviathan and the like will flock to, this sect freakishly travels its own path. “I” has been made available in a limited run of 333 copies, hand-numbered and baptized in sacrificial blood.

“I”Track Listing:
1. 12/21/2012--1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2=11 (Including A Hymn to Apophis)
2. Teloch Vovin
3. The Rite ov the Harvest... (Tunnels Part 2) ...or that ov the Reaper's Blade
4. Treatise on the Left Emanation (Tunnels part1)
An Entrance unto the Tunnuls ov Set
I) Daleth: An Entrance
II) Via Daath (333)
III) Harab-Serapel: The Ravens ov Dispersion
IV) Olahm Ha-Kliffot
5. Adoration/Vexation
Pestis - vocals/incantations
Gemini - vocals, bells
G/ - guitars, bells
Jos-sothoth - bass
Proph - drums/electronics


A View OV Black Magick:
Black Magic is the practice of channeling the destructive as well as the creative aspects/Powers ov the Pan-Dimensional Khaos, a major misconception about black Magick is most think it is limited to negativity and to placing curses on people, when the truth ov this art is its ability to destroy our illusions and reveal our true nature. Black magic is the process ov coming to understand and to utilize the forces ov Khaos, Entropy and Death and the processes ov Destruction/Creation/Rebirth. The transcendence ov the physical Cosmos/physical Existence through the transgression ov the Laws of Nature.
Black Magic is the art ov working with and learning from the Dark/Nightside emanations of timeless Khaos which exists outside of and which is channeled/imprisoned within the physical existence.
Black Magic is considered diabolical because it follows the reverse or Khaotic order, which can be observed in its use ov the Pentagram and the circle cast widdershins. Black Magic works with and follows the natural state of Khaos. Khaos in this sense meaning not one thing, no-thing, nothing. The fullness ov the potentiality for all things, the Void ov Creation... Within Nature, Khaos is the favored state which is viewed as good, natural and necessary for the evolution of the spirit. Order is a creation of the Patriarch/Demiurge and is unnatural and leads to stagnation and Imprisonment/Reincarnation within the Physical Existence/physical Cosmos.
Those who do not understand the nature of Khaos distort what is found within. This is because they can not see past the illusion ov evil to gaze beyond unto the other side(Sitra Ahra) and gain real wisdom. Black magick is evil only in the eyes of people/society that oppose, fear and rejects what they do not and never will be able to understand. Through centuries ov misdirection, misinformation, mental AND spiritual degradation and slavery we have become so far removed from the actual source ov Deity and creation, that it has become dangerous and difficult to access this wisdom.
Black magic is the Path ov Thorns. The Dragon's Path ov Light and Illumination. A path ov transcendence through transgression. A vast work ov destruction and recreation, ov spiritual evolution and the attainment ov the Divine Self within the potentiality ov Khaos.
Quelle: Earsplitt PR