AVENUE OF ALLIES - Chart entry in Sweden with STATE COWS' "The Second One"!

Avenue Of Allies is proud to announce the chart entry of its latest release, the sophomore album “The Second One” of our Swedish Westcoast act STATE COWS. On June 21st 2013 the record debuted at position number 72 on the official national album hit list in Sweden.

The bands highly anticipated trip back in time to the era of the classic Westcoast sound along the lines of Airplay, Pages, Steely Dan, Marc Jordan, Michael McDonald, David Roberts, Toto and Chicago features an impressive list of guest musicians including Bill Champlin (formerly of Chicago), Jay Graydon (Airplay, Steely Dan, Pages), Michael Landau (Maxus, Marc Jordan), Ian Bairnson (Alan Parsons Project, Keats), Peter Friestedt (Williams Friestedt, Lionville) and Sven Larsson (Street Talk, Lionville).


Quelle: GerMusica Promotion & Management

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