MANOWAR "Warriors Of The World 10th Anniversary Remastered Edition"

Interview with Joey DeMaio – MANOWAR - Warriors Of The World 10th Anniversary Remastered Edition - CD release 6/28/2013

New York, June 2013

Q: Hi Joey. How are you?

Joey: I am doing very well, thank you. We are currently working in the studio, finishing the mixing and mastering for The Lord Of Steel Live album, and listening to the recordings from these recent shows is a blast. Brings back so many great memories.


Q: We can imagine. Speaking of memories: You have remastered Warriors Of The World and released as a 10th Anniversary Remastered Edition. You must have plenty of memories about that album, too?

Joey: Too many to count or tell. There is something special about each of our albums and that is why we and our fans enjoy looking back on our material as much as we enjoy looking forward to the new material. Warriors Of The World was the beginning of a new era. One of the many memories is Stefan Raab of Germany’s TV Total performing with us on stage, and we also had many insane moments with German comedian Olli Pocher. And, as everyone who joined us on this tour will well remember, the Warriors Of The World Tour in 2002 was just wild.

Q: What is special about the Warriors Of The World 10th Anniversary Remastered Edition?

Joey: The new edition of course features all 11 original tracks, mixed by our brother Ronald Prent. Ronaldhas worked with literally everybody who has a name in the music industry. He is truly gifted and the collaboration with him was fantastic! For the new Anniversary Edition, I remastered the entire album in our own studios with our in-house engineer Dirk Kloiber. We constantly pushed each other to the limit to create a new sonic experience for these songs that we, and our fans, love so much. I love mixing and mastering as much as writing and performing. It is very liberating when you have the opportunity to bring your music to life exactly the way you envision it.

Q: What can MANOWAR fans expect after the release of the Warriors Of The World Remastered Edition?

Joey: Like I said, we are currently finishing The Lord Of Steel Live. From the first show in Zaragoza/Spain in October 2012 to the last show in Yekaterinburg/Russia in March this year, The Lord Of Steel Tour was a terrific experience. Performing new songs for the first time in front of your audience is an incredible experience, and our fans were just wild and open to this new material. Just look at the photos we posted on Facebook! So many new faces in addition to the loyal Warriors who have followed us for years. And with that said, you have another reason why Warriors Of The World is so special to us: Our fans really are these warriors! They come from all over the world; a family of brothers and sisters under the sign of the hammer and with a spirit of unity and honor that is second to none.

Q: Thank you for your time, Joey.

Joey: Thank you. And to all of you out there: There is a lot more to come this year! Constant updates are available on


The Warriors Of The World 10th Anniversary Remastered Edition contains all 11 tracks from the original release, entirely remastered, plus a live recording of ‘House Of Death’, recorded during the Battle Hymns MMXI Tour at O2 Academy in Birmingham, England; MANOWAR’s triumphant return to England after 16 years.

Warriors Of The World 10th Anniversary Remastered Edition is already available as digital album on iTunes worldwide and will be released as CD on June 28, 2013 in retail across Europe. The CD is also available for worldwide shipping in MANOWAR’s own online store

Track List:

01. Call to Arms
02. The Fight for Freedom
03. Nessun Dorma
04. Valhalla
05. Swords in the Wind
06. An American Trilogy
07. The March
08. Warriors of the World United
09. Hand of Doom
10. House of Death
11. Fight Until We Die
12. House Of Death – Recorded live at O2 Academy in Birmingham, England, 03/27/2011

MANOWAR feiern The Lord Of Steel Welt Tour mit Live Veröffentlichung.

MANOWAR werden Highlights ihrer Lord Of Steel Welt Tour 2012/2013 auf einer Live EP veröffentlichen, mit Aufnahmen aus Deutschland, Finnland, Italien, Russland, Schweden und der Tschechischen Republik.

„Die Lord Of Steel Welt Tour war eine unglaubliche Erfahrung,“ sagte Joey DeMaio, „von der ersten Show in Saragossa (Spanien) bis zur letzten Show in Jekaterinburg (Russland).“

„Neue Songs zum ersten Mal vor Deinem Publikum zu performen ist der ultimative Test für die Macht der Lieder mit den einzigen Menschen eine Verbindung herzustellen, die wirklich zählen“, erklärte DeMaio. „Unsere Fans sind brutal mitgegangen und waren absolut wild, wie man auf dieser EP hören kann. The Lord Of Steel Live ist ein Dankeschön an unsere fantastischen Fans; die EP wird diese Tour für immer verewigen, und all diejenigen, die dabei waren!“

‚The Lord Of Steel Live‘ wird von Joey DeMaio persönlich, zusammen mit MANOWAR's langjährigem Audio Ingenieur Dirk Kloiber, in den MANOWAR eigenen Studios Hell und Haus Wahnfried gemixt und gemastert. ‘The Lord Of Steel Live’ erscheint digital am 9. Juli 2013 exklusiv bei iTunes weltweit und am 16. August 2013 als CD im Handel und unter


El Gringo
Hail, Kill And Die
The Lord Of Steel
Thunder In The Sky

Quelle: FOCUSION Promotion & Marketing

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