STEVIE FLOYD: Dark Castle/Taurus Priestess To Release Split With AERIAL RUIN

Dark Castle/Taurus priestess STEVIE FLOYD and AERIAL RUIN, the gloom-trodden solo outfit featuring former Old Grandad/ Drift Of A Curse/Epidemic mastermind Erik Moggridge, recently joined creative forces for an eclectic split release.

A wholly absorbing, folk-centric offering, the collaboration finds Floyd and Moggridge posing as guest vocalists on select songs off their separate solo recordings with an additional guest appearance from Leviathan/Lurker of Chalice sorcerer Wrest. At once moody, atmospheric, and psychologically crushing, the self-released recording delivers twelve decaying hymns that will be available on vinyl/free download with handmade artwork by Floyd via their official BandCamp Pages.

Elaborates Floyd: “This was something very raw and honest for me to record myself in solitude. Aerial Ruin is a huge inspiration for me, and I feel so blessed to have shared a record together."

Preorders are currently available via and

Aerial Ruin/Stevie Floyd Track Listing:
01. Aerial Ruin - Where The Shadow Stands
02. Aerial Ruin - November
03. Aerial Ruin - Less Than Decay
04. Aerial Ruin - Blood For Fall
05. Aerial Ruin - Ascending
06. Aerial Ruin - The Only Road
07. Stevie Floyd - You Scathed The Sun
08. Stevie Floyd - Failure
09. Stevie Floyd - Wrest In Natur
10. Stevie Floyd - Disappear
11. Stevie Floyd - Ungod Reappear
12. Stevie Floyd - This Has Gone

Quelle: Earsplit PR

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