LORDS OF THE TRIDENT, the most metal band on the face of the earth and a fitting tribute to the metal gods,
Who are the LORDS OF THE TRIDENT? Hahaha...FOOL! You are not worthy to gaze upon their might!
Their metal's so pure that only diamonds can scratch it, and usually the diamonds are the ones that end up getting hurt in the end.
Their amps are so loud, Manowar knocked on their door and asked them to "please turn down". Don't let your girlfriends near LORDS OF THE TRIDENT, 'cause their music is guaranteed to make panties explode.  
You think you're bad? While you're watching their sweep picking wondering how they bend space-time to fit all the notes in, they'll punch you right in the face without missing a beat.

LORDS OF THE TRIDENT have joined forces with producers Doug Olson (head of recording at Madison Media Institute, with production credits for many well-known bands, including Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, and Cheap Trick) and Martin Atkins (Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Pigface, Killing Joke) to bring you one of the most epic-sounding EPs you'll ever ingest into your brain canal!

LORDS OF THE TRIDENT will be taking no prisoners during the release party for their new 3rd release, the EP "'PLAN OF ATTACK" which will be held on July 6, 2013 at the RSR in Madison, Wisconsin. Battle support will come from TIGER CLUTCH, AXE RIPPER and FORCE FIELD.


Upcoming Gigs
July 6th- PLAN OF ATTACK CD RELEASE PARTY - Regent Street Retreat
July 13th - NORTHERN HAMMER FEST - Wasko's Campground -(Lake Nebagamon, WI)
August 10th - TRIDENTOUR 2013 - Memorial Union Terrace (Madison, WI)
August 11th - TRIDENTOUR 2013 - Livewire Lounge (Chicago, IL)
August 12th - TRIDENTOUR 2013 - Tiger Room (Fort Wayne, IN)
August 13th - TRIDENTOUR 2013 - TBA (Indianapolis, IN)
August 14th - TRIDENTOUR 2013 - The Backyard Bar (Reading, OH)
August 15th - TRIDENTOUR 2013 - 123 Plesant St(Morgantown, WV)
August 16th - TRIDENTOUR 2013 - Smiling Moose (Pittsburgh, PA)
September 30th - OPENING FOR HELLOWEEN Mojoe's (Joliet, IL)

Quelle: Online Metal Promo

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