SHINING veröffentlichen "8 ½ - Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd"

Band: Shining
Title: "8 ½ - Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd"
Label: Dark Essence Records
Format: CD Release date: 20.09.13
1. Terres Des Anonymes
2. Szabadulj Meg Önmagatól
3. Ett Liv Utan Mening
4. Selvdestruktivitetens Emissarie
5. Black Industrial Misery
6. Through Corridors Of Oppression Niklas Kvarforth and his band Shining has never done things the usual way, and presents here a rather special album with "8 ½ - Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd". Dark Essence Records is proud to release an album with different Shining songs that hark back to an earlier era for the band. Rather than simply re-issue the original tracks, Shining has decided not only to re-record the songs, but re-record them using a number of different vocalists.


The tracks on "8 ½ - Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd" dates back to the "Livets Ändhållplats" and "Angst" era in their original pre-production versions, with newly recorded bass and guitars on top and the malevolent brilliance of Lars Fredrik Fröislie’s keyboard magic. Six vocalists whom we all find both inspiring and "otherworldly" have blessed the album with their madness, some of them even in their native languages. The vocalists are Famine, Attila Csihar, Pehr Larsson, Gaahl, Maniac and Kvarforth himself.


"8 ½ - Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd" looks back, but at the same time, it also brings new life and new elements to these classic songs.


Line-up: Niklas Kvarforth – guitar, vocals Lars Fredrik Fröislie – keyboards Christian Larsson – gitar The vocalists are Famine, Attila Csihar, Pehr Larsson, Gaahl, Maniac and Niklas Kvarforth



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