CORRECTIONS HOUSE Joins The Neurot Recordings Family

Neurot Recordings is pleased to welcome CORRECTIONS HOUSE to their eclectic roster of artists. Featuring Mike IX Williams (Eyehategod), Scott Kelly (Neurosis), Sanford Parker (Minsk) and Bruce Lamont (Yakuza), CORRECTIONS HOUSE is a mysterious collective of souls exploring the darkest, most unsettling facets of sound through audio disease and transcendent musical destruction. An impossible-to-pinpoint synthesis of mechanical decomposition, atmospheric abnormalities and poetic putrefaction, together CORRECTIONS HOUSE systematically create and destroy.

Following a special run of live rituals in January, which Invisible Oranges appropriately crowned both “…unique and devastating…,” CORRECTIONS HOUSE unleashed the Hoax The System/Grin With a Purpose 7” through War Crime Recordings in the US and Burning World Records in Europe earning critical accolades from adventurous listeners.

CORRECTIONS HOUSE will release their debut full length this Fall via Neurot Recordings. Further info to be announced in the coming weeks. Until then, suffer.

Quelle: Earsplit PR

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