BLACK ANVIL: Enter The Studio

New York black metal assault, BLACK ANVIL, have entered the studio with renowned producer J. Robbins (Clutch, The Sword, Coliseum) at Magpie Cage Studios, in Baltimore, Maryland to begin work on the follow up to 2010’s Triumvirate, which saw the band progress to darker and deeper territories. Set for a Spring 2014 release, the band commented on the new material: "This record insists on demanding a broader scope than previous works in order to experience a personal voyage towards demise."


BLACK ANVIL have previously released two full-lengths to universal critical acclaim including 2008's Time Insults The Mind and 2010's Triumvirate.The band has toured with a diverse offering of bands including Watain, Aura Noir, Marduk, Goatwhore, and many more. Their albums are available for streaming via their official bandcamp site at THIS LOCATION.  

War is among us.

Quelle: Earsplit PR

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