ACACIA «Tills döden skiljer oss åt»

Acacia was born like a Phoenix out of the ashes of Livsnekad.

"Tills döden skiljer oss åt" is the result of a long project that has been going on from 2009 until 2013. The album was not decided to released under the name Acacia until after it was finished. It is entirely self-recorded and produced by the band.

The musical and lyrical concept of the album reflects on the versatile of life itself. Emotional desperation, death and finding your true love and meaning in life are subjects that pervades the whole atmosphere of the album. When listening, you'll travel through both dark and more vivid passages, and hopefully evoke your own deepless feelings. Enjoy!

Andreas Thorén
Guitar, Bass, Vocals (ex-Shining, ex-Livsnekad)
Christian Larsson
Guitar, Bass Vocals (Shining, Svart,ex-Apati,Livsnekad)
Ulf Nylin
Vocals (Korpblod,ex-Livsnekad)
Seiya Ogino
Piano (ex-Livsnekad)
Richard Schill
Drums (ex-Shining)
Moa Thorén

Genre: Doom/Black Metal, Depressive Rock
Origin: Sweden
Release date: 1.07.2013
Label: Art Of Propaganda


Quelle: Portus Musica

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