German Underground Metal Titans ATLANTEAN KODEX have returned from obscurity to redefine Epic Metal with their long-awaited second album, titled „The White Goddess - A grammar of poetic myth“. "'The White Goddess‘ is a triumph of heaviness and melancholy, a monument to the spirit of underground metal and the mythology of old Europe.“, says drummer Weiss. „Our sound has grown darker and heavier, like the world has grown darker and heavier in the past few years. At the same time our 70s roots and our love for Bathory and old Manowar are still there. Imagine Quorthon raping Uriah Heep while ,Into Glory ride‘ is blasting from an old tapedeck“, adds guitar player Trummer. Indeed the band has progressed much since their debut effort „The Golden Bough“. The sound is more mature, more dramatic, more bombastic. Everything on the album spells HUGE in capital letters. While the key coordinates old Manowar (Ross the Boss-era), Bathory (Twilight-era) and obscure US Metal (Fates Warning, Cirith Ungol, Warlord...) are still dominant, the band has manage to explore new ground with „The White Goddess“. This is one of the few albums, which will leave noone cold. Formed in 2005 ATLANTEAN KODEX immediately managed to conquer the center spot of the new European Epic Metal scene with their regressive and uncompromising musical approach. Already their first demo „The Pnakotic Demos“ (2007) put them in the spotlight of fans and journalists worldwide. Not only was the demo elected „Demo of the Month“ in Germany‘s leading magazine Rock Hard, but also it opened the doors to renowned festivals such as Keep it True (Germany) or Up the Hammers (Greece) for the band. With a stable line-up including singer Becker, guitarist Koch and Trummer, bassist Kreuzer and drummer Weiss the ATLANTEAN KODEX conquered the next level with their debut album „The Golden Bough“ in 2010. The album was hailed by fans and critics as one of the best German metal albums ever, taking „album of the month“-spots in basically all leading magazines and webzines, like Rock Hard (Germany), Heavy! (Germany), Metal Hammer (Greece) and scoring top scores all over the world. More live shows in the European festival circuit followed. Among others ATLANTEAN KODEX conquered the Hammer of Doom Festival and festivals in Ireland, England, Portugal, Greece and last not least the Rock Hard Festival (Germany). Now with „The White Goddess“ the band is ready to strike once more. And judging from the tremendous Epic Metal anthems on the album, the strike will be nothing but fatal.


We are the Kodex – We are invincible!

Quelle: Sure Shot Worx

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