WITHEM Releases Details On Pending Sensory Records Debut; New Track Playing At Dead Rhetoric

Sensory today unveils the details for the pending debut full-length from Norwegian progressive quintet
WITHEM, scheduled for release early this Fall.

The Point Of You was harnessed over countless hours in the studio, each member of WITHEM focusing all of their energy and talents on immaculately perfecting their individual contributions, perfecting their world class blend of metal. The band's passion and dedication put forth is obvious on the nearly fifty-minute opus, WITHEM's gripping, melody-driven songs avoiding clichés and pitfalls of overly dramatic instrumental sections and sheer senseless, complexity, and instead centering the songs on creative interplay between musicians, and the unique vocal range of Ole Aleksander Wageniusgives the band a much-needed distinctive touch to tackle the overcrowded progressive metal scene. The Point Of You was produced and mixed by guitarist Øyvind Voldmo Larsen at his own Lionheart Studio, boasting powerful and bombastic production values with enough raw moments for the listener to notice the most subtle intricate parts. The production values will certainly please even the audiophile listeners out there.

Ahead of The Point Of You'srelease date, which Sensory now confirms as October 8th, today Dead Rhetoric is hosting a stream of the track "Burned By Senses." Tune in HERE.

The Point Of You Track Listing:
1. Point Of View
2. Miracle
3. Phrenesis
4. Burned By Senses
5. Mr. Miruz
6. Born To Live
7. The Paramount Of Lies
8. Driven By A Blessing
9. Why Me!

Quelle: Earsplit PR

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