PATRONS - die neue EP der UK-Durchstarter kommt

Aus der fidelen britischen Postcore-Szene kommen die PATRONS, die Euch hiermit ein neues Lebenszeichen senden.
Die neue EP der erst 2013 gegründeten Band wird Euch begeistern, wenn Ihr Thrice hinterhertrauert, This Will Destroy You mögt und bei Reuben und La Dispute nicht die Flucht ergreift.
Die PATRONS arbeiten komplett DIY und strahlen eine liebenswürdige Dickköpfigkeit aus, ohne dabei eine aufgesetzte Exklusivität zu entwickeln.
Im Gegenteil: Ihre Musik ist offen für diverse Fanschichten.
Ihre Debüt-EP bekam europaweit fulminante Reviews und der Nachfolger "The Momentary Effects Of Sunlight" schafft es sogar noch einen Tick souveräner, Anspruch und Eingängigkeit zu verschmelzen.

Formed in 2013, Patrons come from a city by the sea in the South West, UK. Born out of long-standing friendships and a common love of the unconventional, Patrons make a noise that gives a nod to the expanse of bands like This Will Destroy You and Thrice, yet also a tip of the hat to the stop-start rhythms of bands like Reuben and La Dispute. Having always been inspired by the attitude of the DIY scene, Patrons deliver an honest and intense musical experience to anyone willing to listen. “Inclusive is the word, I think” says guitarist Mark Hoynes. “Anyone can come to a show or listen to our songs and enjoy it, it's not necessarily exclusive to age, what you wear or what you think, anyone is free to join in.”
On stage is where Patrons are most comfortable. There is no template. Everything you see is natural and completely in the moment. This makes each and every show a completely unique and engaging experience. Shaking off common perceptions of what a live show has become, there are no demands or agendas. Instead you will witness an intense, dynamic and visceral show from four guys who whole-heartedly believe in what they’re doing.
For the four of them, Patrons is full time, leaving little room for any other hobbies. Previously, some of the band went to University; some of the band went to University and failed; and some of the band are currently stuck in dead-end jobs, except for Olly though, he's pretty happy. Generally, you’ll either find Patrons working unfulfilling retail jobs in order to sustain the band; or in their rehearsal space, writing new songs in the hope of being able to get in the back of a van and leave the day to day routines that confine them, behind. That’s the point really; for them, Patrons is an outlet as well as an aspiration.
Having released their debut self-titled EP via “I Hate It Records” at the end of March 2014, the band followed up with tour dates throughout May and June in the UK and were invited to play at some of the UK's best festivals, including; The Alternate Escape (Part of The Great Escape) Boardmasters, Leopalooza and New Age. The summer also saw the band back in the studio to record the follow up to their debut EP, "The Momentary Effects of Sunlight" a four track EP scheduled for release on 13/03/15 in mainland Europe and 16/03/15 in the UK. To accompany the new release, the band also have plans in motion for tours throughout the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe from March 2015 onwards.
In their short time as a band, Patrons have already been fortunate enough to share the stage with bands including Every Time I Die, Dads and Boy Jumps Ship. As well as receiving airplay on BBC Radio stations, they have performed a live BBC Introducing Session in March 2014 receiving great feedback in response to their performance on the show. They have also been featured on Kerrang Radio as Alex Baker’s “Artist Of The Week” in the UK and have had coverage from the likes of Visions Magazine in mainland Europe.  
“It is simply and indescribably beautiful, what Patrons are doing on their self-titled EP. Patrons have convinced me completely, and I can't wait to hear more of these gentlemen.” – (March 2014)
"As they always do but especially this week, my featured artist of the week has taken, my breath away, they are just incredible. If you like that as much as I do, then track them down, right now!" - Alex Baker, Kerrang Radio (March 2014)
“The band stand out on their own as an absolute hurricane.” – Substream Magazine (April 2014)

The Momentary Effects Of Sunlight
Last Shop Records
VÖ: 13.03.2015

Quelle: Gordeon Music

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