Wir freuen uns euch das neue Album der Kultband OZRIC TENTACLES ankündigen zu können:
22.05. OZRIC TENTACLES – "Technicans Of The Sacred" (Madfish/Edel)
DIE Space Rock Band überhaupt!

Vor über 30 Jahren in England gegründet und mit weit über 20 veröffentlichten Alben eine der einflussreichsten Ambient/Psychedelic Bands.

For over thirty years, OZRIC TENTACLES have pursued their defiantly independent, free-thinking and fundamentally groovy path through contemporary music. They were the rock band that joyously united the free festival crowd and the rave scene back in the late eighties and early nineties, and through successive passing trends and the abatement of the mainstream music business have fearlessly let their freak flag fly, shrugged off the urge to compromise and stuck to their core values. Consequently, the result is pure music, made for love and joy, and the ecstatic reward that comes from habitually pushing their boundaries to create beauty to the limit of their current human capabilities. It’s with great pleasure, therefore, that we announce the release of an all-new DOUBLE CD and vinyl album set, Technicians of The Sacred, to be released on the Madfish label on 22nd May.

Technicians of The Sacred is a superb sojourn to the world of Ozrics. Richly layered, evocatively ambient, and ethereal musical landscapes, seamlessly morphing through beatific freeform dub trips, incredible rave grooves, and psychedelic progressive rock, create a heady, kaleidoscopic mixture of tones and textures. The aim is not just to make truly unique and culturally diverse music, but also to harmoniously unite all in attendance, and create portals for astral travel. Many fans and listeners report feelings of euphoria, an immediate connection to nature as well as others around them, and intense feelings that they have journeyed to other dimensions or met with other-worldly beings. It's an open exploration of music and the soul.

“T.O.T.S.” will be their first double since the classic “Erpland” over 20 years ago. The aesthetics of the album is heavily themed in Mayan Astrology. Technicians of the Sacred is a characteristic trait of the “tone“ in each member’s “dreamspell” (Mayan astrological symbol). “Many years ago in a tent just prior to performing at Glastonbury Festival, we were given our Mayan Astrology reading”, says the Ozrics Ed Wynne, smiling as usual. “The man doing the readings was getting more and more excited the further he went, he said he was going to tell us something that would change our lives forever.

He proceeded to reveal that we are actually Galactic Activation Portals sent to channel messages of love to the world. Upon hearing this statement we questioned, “Now that we know this, should we be doing something different with our lives?” He paused for a moment, then laughed, and as the crowd roared said, “Hurry up then, the audience is waiting to hear you!”

Technicians Of The Sacred tracklisting

1.         The High Pass [08:23]
2.         Butterfly Garden [05:04]
3.         Far Memory [07:10]
4.         Changa Masala[06:04]
5.         Zingbong [08:26]
6.         Switchback [10:11]

1.         Epiphlioy [11:49]
2.         The Unusual Village [06:20]
3.         Smiling Potion [07:12]
4.         Rubbing Shoulders With The Absolute [08:36]
5.         Zenlike Creature [09:54]


Quelle: cmm-consulting for music and media