Updates from the Billion Dollar Babies camp

How are things?
It's been a while since we got in touch with you through the newsletter so we figured it was time for a quick hello.

There is again a lot going on in the band and with the world around us. As we told you before, we've been putting some time into looking for the right deal for the new album. We're visited quite a few dark offices and had meetings with some really shady characters, trying to get to know the people behind the desks of the record labels who run the hard rock scene these days. There are a lot of dirty fishes out there, we can tell you that. We are guarding or finished album like a lump of gold, and we are determined not to settle for any deal that wont give the album the release it deserves.
A little less than three months ago, we were ready to dip the pencil in blood and sign a deal with a label after weeks of negotiations. But as always in this business, people seem to disappear from the face of the planet like it's some sort of smoke and mirrors trick. So the search for the right partner is moving on. As soon as we know anything regarding the release, YOU will be the first to know. That is a promise.
The last couple of weeks have been marked with grief and sorrow for the Billion Dollar Babies family after our loved friend, partner, tour manager Cordula Abston left us after her struggle with cancer. Cordula was a hero and one of the persons fighting hard to get the band into Germany. She was looking after us like a gangster mom. We have so much to thank her for and she will forever stay in our hearts. Our thoughts go to her family and close friends. The album and upcoming activities for the band will be dedicated to her memory.
What keeps us going is the emails and nice words that you are sending us by email and social media. The knowledge that we will soon again be able to see you during a tour is what fuels our engines. Please keep letting us know what you are doing, how life is treating you, where you want us to play and what you like and don't like.
All the best
The Billion Dollar Babies  
We found some boxes of long lost merchandise in our studio. This stuff is almost vintage and mostly bigger sizes, but it still kicks ass. If you are teeny tiny, you can always get the biggest size and make a dress out of it. That goes for you guys too.

Check the SHOP for avaiable sizes and designs.  
June 12 we will once more be kickin the butts of Stockholm.
See you crazy head bangers at Harry B James. Stockholm must be destroyed!  
Wanna see what the new video for the song Junkies Ball is gonna look like?
Here is a yet unreleased teaser, JUST for YOU!  
Quelle: Billion Dollar Babies

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