No Clean Singing Premiere New Frosthelm Video 'Silent And Dark, The Everlasting Sky'

Having released The Endless Winter just a few months ago, North Dakota blackened thrash outfit Frosthelm have now teamed up with No Clean Singing to premiere their very first official music video from the album, 'Silent And Dark, The Everlasting Sky'.

Check out the video here:

Directed by Vernon Chapel, the video mixes images of barren landscape, rural decay and desolation with the band performing the song. No Clean Singing said that 'Silent And Dark, The Everlasting Sky', "is one of the high points in a collection of songs that’s uniformly strong. It blazes like a brushfire, bites like a wolf pack, and thunders like an avalanche hitting maximum velocity. It includes a blazing solo and throat-tearing vocals — and a dark melody that stays with you."
The Endless Winter is a vile brew of black/thrash metal, abundant with punishingly memorable riffs, melodic frostbitten savagery, and plague infused revulsion down to its frozen core. Guitarist Dakota L. Irwin describes the album as "bitter, dark, angry and disgusted."

Former Skeletonwitch vocalist Chance Garnette also took a moment to comment on the album, "A definite Euro/cold guitar tone but with an American 'something' added. I hear Immortal meets The Black Dahlia Murder, and that's something I've not yet heard."

The Endless Winter was released via Matt Hyde's Black Work (Alkemy Brothers) label on 22nd March. Tracked at Clear Lake Recording Studios in Los Angeles during July 2014 and produced and engineered by Eric Milos and Alec Schneider. Drum engineering was handled by Sir Robert Kramer at Mekoche Studios in Bismarck, North Dakota. Mixing and mastering duties were helmed by Matt Hyde (Slayer, Skeletonwitch, Kreator).

Order The Endless Winter Here!

Watch The 'A Storm Of Teeth' Lyric Video Here!

Stream 'Forlorn Tides' Here!

Quelle: Future PR

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