SOTO (Jeff Scott Soto) für Monsters Of Rock Cruise bestätigt

SOTO, featuring vocalist Jeff Scott Soto is confirmed to play Monsters Of Rock Cruise. Jeff Scott Soto (Soto, Talisman, Trans-Siberian Orchestra) will also play on the MOR Cruise a show with Gus G  (Firewind, Ozzy Osbourne).

Jeff Scott Soto is one of today’s premier rock frontmen and vocalists and a union of hotshot young musicians: Jorge Salan (lead guitar), BJ (keyboards, guitars), David Z (bass) and Edu Cominato (drums), bring you a slamming blend of melody and muscle in some of the freshest power metal to surface in years present. Together they are SOTO.

SOTO recently released a music video for the track “Break”, featured on the new album, Inside The Vertigo. The video, directed by Thiago Kiss, can be seen below.
Inside The Vertigo tracklisting:

“Final Say”
“The Fall”
“Narcissistically Yours”
“End of Days”
“Inside The Vertigo”
“When I’m Older”
“Karma’s Kiss”
“Fall To Pieces”
Quelle: Rock N Growl  

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