EVIL MASQUERADE - 10 Years in the Dark

The recent Evil Masquerade anniversary compilation album has finally been uploaded on Spotify.
The original idea not to have it available on the popular streaming platform was reconsidered because of the numerous requests to the band and Dark Minstrel Music.

'10 Years in the Dark' marks the 10th anniversary of the band and the songs originate from the 6 studio albums that were released during the period 2004 - 2014. People that prefer the CD version also get a photo booklet with never-before-seen material from the same period.

All songs are remastered and among the musicians you find people like David Rosenthal, Tony Carey, Henrik Flyman, Andre Andersen, Johan Niemann, Apollo Papathanasio, Richard Andersson and many more.

'10 Years in the Dark' on Spotify.


Quelle. EM News

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