Shardborne Stream 'Living Bridges' Album In Full!

Ahead of its July 10th release, Ireland’s Shardborne have teamed up with Metal Underground to offer a full stream of their debut album Living Bridges!

Access The Stream Here!

Metal Underground also had a chat with the band about the album, which is the follow-up to their 2011 EP Aeonian Sequence. Comments drummer Ben Wanders, “Living Bridges is a culmination of our interests and pretty accurately represents the type of music we like to create. Everyone has their own preferences and tastes, and that results in having many varied influences on the music.”

Offering up progressive metal, the album is also entirely instrumental yet contains plenty of sonic twists and turns to keep the listener hooked throughout. Metal Underground adds that, “Each track stands unique on its own or can be listened as part of a 51 minute sonic journey which has often more similarities towards classical composition than the modern day verse, chorus, verse repeat set-up.”

Read the full article over on the Metal Underground site.
Living Bridges, was recorded by the band’s Ciaran Culhane and Ben Wanders before being mixed and mastered by longtime Between the Buried and Me Producer Jamie King at Basement Recording NC. Artwork was designed by Duncan Storr [Skyclad]. The band comments on working with the renowned artist, “The artwork incorporates several of the titles on the album, but the main image is based around the album and title track ‘Living Bridges’. We narrowed down a few artists we liked and picked one. He did great work for bands such as Scale the Summit and Hawkwind and after we saw his work we knew we wanted him to do it.”

If you haven’t already seen it, here’s the band’s official video for track ‘Room Within a Room’, which recently premiered with Prog Magazine UK.

Living Bridges is out on 10th July on Out On A Limb Records.
Pre-order Living Bridges Here!

Quelle: Future PR

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