Ulysses announces new album “#eMotion” available September

This September Ulysses releases their new album, entitled #eMotion. Prior to the release of the album, a single and video of the song “Trust” is already available.

Release for “#eMotion” is set for the end of September 2015, though the album will be available via iTunes one month prior to the album release. First edition will be available as a limited edition CD book. Pre-order has already started, first 100 pre-order customers will receive a limited signed CD, goodies and exclusive access to the songs, prior to release of the album. Pre-ordered albums will be delivered before end of September.
Ulysses #eMotion
Disgust-Sleeping Death                                    6:34
Anticipation-City of lost souls | Desolation       9:48
Sadness - Lost what was not mine                     5:29
Trust - A modern lovesong                                7:29
Surprise -The unexpected                                 6:02
Fear - When love becomes…                            4:28
Happiness - Honk if you're happy                        9:10
Anger - Providence | God for one Day              9:10

Band website: www.ulysses.nu
Pre-order: www.ulysses.nu/preorder
Video: www.ulysses.nu/videotrust
Single download: www.ulysses.nu/trust
Quelle: Ulysses


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