GUNDRIVER selected as winners of the 2015 AKADEMIA music awards for best hard rock album

Hollywood, California's GUNDRIVER have recently been selected as the winners of the 2015 AKADEMIA Music Awards Best Album in the Hard Rock category.

"Gundriver has the kind of monumental talent we think of in the same sense as Pantera and Black Sabbath, allowing them to overwhelm listeners by sheer technical skill and pulse-pounding energy".

Hollywood, California's GUNDRIVER released their scorchin earth debut album "What's Inside" in early 2015 and immediately hit the road in the USA as the direct support act for MICHAEL SCHENKER's TEMPLE OF ROCK nationwide tour.

Gundriver is a Rip-Roaring hard rock band that combines Blues and Metal elements, inspired by Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and AC/DC, featuring Tom Potter on lead guitar, Alex on drums and Tomes on bass. lead vocals, keyboards and guitar.

Gundriver - "What's Inside" song clip

For the latest band news, visit their official website and Facebook page:

undriver official website
Gundriver Facebook page

Quelle: Online Metal Promo