Fake Heroes - new single out

New single "On The Hill" online and new album in September
After the debut album “Divide and Rule” (released by Antstreet Records in 2013) and after the EP “Bridge Of Leaves” Fake Heroes present their new single “On the Hill” (featuring Giacomo Castellano), from the second full length “Clouds”.

Fake Heroes feat. Giacomo Castellano - On The Hill (new single out)
Click here to watch the video!

The album contains 11 tracks which outline inner journeys and explore the connection among human beings, modernity and nature.
The sound reproduces these patterns thanks to modern grooves, djent hints, airy atmospheres and a melodic vocals with vibrant arrangements.
The first single video was officially released on the 1st July 2015 whereas the full album will be available in September.


Quelle: Fake Heroes

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