Dutch band OBESE just released a brand new videoclip. The song "Red As The Sun" is taken from the album 'Kali Yuga' released by Argonauta Records in June 2015 on CD/DD.

OFFICIAL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/teKKMUTeTWk

Music Written, Recorded, Mixed & Mastered by OBESE / HOGSHED STUDIOS
Video Produced by Smooth Sailor Productions

OBESE hail from Holland, they are authors of a crunchy, catchy, powerful and above all heavy as hell sound! Bringing the groove back into stoner and feeding your appetite with fat tunes that will leave you hungry for more. The weight and thickness of sound is being explored one track at a time: corpulency never felt that good. The immense riffage in a vast landscape of bulldozing euphony will leave nobody unsatisfied.
Quelle: NeeCee Agency

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