Starlight Searchers - Most Expensive Band In The World

Band leader Louie Fontaine is continuing his mission to spread Rock’n’Roll to all corners of the world, touring and recording with his longtime band Starlight Searchers.
After the 2 year long tour named The Most Expensive Band In The World, which was also made as a movie, the band moved on and toured promoting Louie Fontaine‘s CD, Buried & Blessed. The tour lasted for another 2 years, until the band signed a deal with Slipstick Records and released their latest CD, Dont Bring The Kids. With this connection, the band (with the same lineup) were renamed to the shorter version of Starlight Searchers.
The bands newest record DON'T BRING THE KIDS in stores now  

Starlight Searchers music has all aspects of Rock n Roll. Fontaine’s writing ranges from murder ballads to speeding Rock or even country, often with a injection of tex-mex, deep guitar melodies and voices with lots of backing vocals. You can hear this in songs like Running Hot, The Fight, The Pill, I Can’t Resist No Pain and many more. These tracks are timeless in style. The music can not be, as bands often are, compared to other artists and it’s just one of the reasons why this band must be heard.
The band belongs at the top of the music industry. Since this is what it’s all about for the Starlight Searchers, in 2015, the band will play Central Europe in September/October and will continue in the USA in early spring of 2016.

Dont Miss It, It's The Real Thing Baby

Check Out These Songs By Starlight Searchers:

Swimming In Blood

Buried & Blessed

Mama Hell Road
Quelle: Sliptrick Records

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