FURYON Video Footage Of Woodstock Festival Performance

Woodstock in Kostrzyn nad Odrą, Poland can be seen below. British hard rockers FURYON preformed songs from their debut album ‘Gravitas‘ and the new album ‘Lost In Salvation‘.

"Stand Like Stone": https://youtu.be/HM6uaE_N2zY
"Voodoo Me": https://youtu.be/B9xTqIItkvM

"We would like to thank Jurek Owsiak and all the organisers and crew at Woodstock for looking after us so well. And also to a wonderful crowd for welcoming us so well. Many thanks.", said Matt Mitchell.

FURYON – Woodstock Festival setlist:
Disappear Again
Lost Salvation
Wasted On You
These Four Walls
Stand Like Stone
Our Peace Someday
All That I have
Don’t Follow
Voodoo Me

Line up:
Matt Mitchell – Vocals
Lee Farmery – Drums
Chris Webb – Guitar
Tiago Rosado – Guitar
John Collins – Bass

Heavy and Melodic! That is what FURYON is about”.



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