HEXENIZER (Germany) - First song available for streaming!

"The time has come to finally announce the name of a new band that recently joined INFERNO RECORDS !
This band is called HEXENIZER and comes from Germany - due to copyrights, the band changed its name and was formerly called IRON WITCH.
Line-up consists of Andy Charrocker (Guitars & Vocals), Thomas Schulz (Bass & Chorus) and Andi Schädele (Live drums).
Their musical style could be defined as a mix of dark heavy-metal, speed-metal with classical music influences !
Make sure you'll be surprised by this new band as they sound like no other bands of the label so far !
They are currently working on their first full-length album to released on CD & Cassette on INFERNO Records !

"INFERNO Records have just made available for streaming one song "The Fucking Horny Witch Of Hell" taken from forthcoming full-length album by german speed-shred metallers HEXENIZER !
You can listen to this first song here > https://soundcloud.com/infernorecords666/hexenizer-the-fucking-horny-witch-of-hell

One more song will soon be available for streaming when album artwork & more details will be unleashed ! Stay Tuned !

More infos on HEXENHIZER : www.facebook.com/hexenizer/

Quelle: Infernö Records

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