MALEVOLENT CREATION launch lyric video to new song “Blood Of The Fallen”

It’s the eve of apocalypse …
MALEVOLENT CREATION’s 12th studio album “Dead Man’s Path” has been scheduled for a worldwide release through Century Media Records on October 2nd.

If you want to check out the first new songs of the album, watch the lyric video for “Blood Of The Fallen” here:

Or here when you are in Germany:

“Dead Man’s Path” will be released on CD, ltd. CD Digipak (incl. woven patch and 2 re-recorded songs of the “Stillborn” album), LP (plus poster and the CD) as well as digital download/stream.

The worldwide pre-order will start on September 4th.

The kill force is rising …

Brett Hoffmann – vocals
Phil Fasciana – guitars
Gio Geraca – guitars
Jason Blachowicz – bass
Justin DiPinto – drums

MALEVOLENT CREATION Discography (studio albums only):
The Ten Commandments (1991)
Retribution (1992)
Stillborn (1993)
Eternal (1995)
In Cold Blood (1997)
The Fine Art Of Murder (1998)
Envenomed (2000)
The Will To Kill (2002)
Warkult (2004)
Doomsday X (2007)
Invidious Dominion (2010)
Dead Man’s Path (2015)


Quelle: CM

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