Dark Witch: Music video for "Wild Heart" unleashed

A few days from the release in CD format of album "The Circle Of Blood", Brazilian heavy/power metal group DARK WITCH decides to celebrate promoting its first official music video clip. The audiovisual production corresponds to song "Wild Heart", one of the most traditional of the album.

"The Circle of Blood" is the debut full-length by the band founded in 1999. It was released in the first semester in digital format by Heart Of Steel Records and will be available in CD for sales officially on 15th of August by Arthorium Records. The material counts with 12 authorial tracks, 16 pages booklet, and still presents a cover for song "Voz da Consciência", from the legendary Brazilian heavy metal group HARPPIA.

The band keeps scheduling concerts for the album promotional tour.

The link for the video is https://youtu.be/OWyhsG0rQ_E.
Official Website (under const.) - www.dark-witch.com
Official Fanpage - facebook.com/darkwitchmetal

Quelle: Arthorium Music Group

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