BLACK TONGUE – launch video for “In the Wake ov the Wolf”!

The undisputed kings of downtempo, BLACK TONGUE, have launched a video for the track “In the Wake ov the Wolf”!
You can watch the video here:

Their new full-length, ‘The Unconquerable Dark’, will be released on September 4th via Century Media Records.

‘The Unconquerable Dark’ is a devastatingly bleak record that showcases the Hull Hate Crew’s trademark downtempo sound to absolute full effect. From the opening doom drenched riffs of ‘Plague Worship’ to the black metal tinged ‘L’appel du Vide’, to the unfathomably heavy ‘Prince Of Ash’ and ‘Vermintide’ (featuring guest vocals from SUICIDE SILENCE’s EDDIE HERMIDA), the hatred spews out of the speakers.

Another track has been released earlier. Check out the lyric video for ‘L’appel du Vide’ here:


Quelle: CM

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