Vly - Videopremiere

Die spannende Prog-Rock Band VLY veröffentlicht Videoclip zum neuen Album.
18.09. VLY – " I / [Time]" (The Laser’s Edge/Alive)
feat members from Crippled Black Phoenix, Anglagard, Il Tempio Delle Clessidre and Diet Kong

VLY – "Circles"

Classic Rock: "...dieses Werk will man nach einmaligem Genuss immer wieder konsumieren, möglichst in zunehmend höheren Dosierungen. Gefährlich…"

eclipsed: "So ist „I/[Time]“ vor allem Pink-Floyd-Jüngern zu empfehlen, die eher die entschleunigte Gangart schätzen."

myrevelations.de 11/15: "Wirklich ein schönes Stück Musik!"

streetclip.tv 8/10: "VLYs Debütalbum ist […] ein durchgehend hochwertiges Album einer hochklassigen Band - gelebter Eskapismus rockmusikalischer Hochkultur."

Album Trailer:

Vly began as strangers sending 1’s and 0’s across the Atlantic.

I / [Time] makes good on the futuristic dreams of the late 1990’s, when promises of international recording sessions via the Internet excited incredulous musicians.
Now that it’s a reality the method may be less glamorously sci-fi than one had hoped; still, they get the job done.

The background of the members reads like a “who’s who” of progressive music. Both guitarist Karl Demata and bassist Chris Heilmann were former members of the British post

rock band Crippled Black Phoenix. Vocalist Keith Gladysz is a member of the NY based Diet Kong. Keyboardist Elisa Montaldo is the driving force behind the Italian retro-prog band

Il Tempio Delle Clessidre. Drummer Mattias Olsson is the former drummer of Anglagard – one of the most iconic prog rock bands in history.

The sound of Vly hits upon elements of progressive rock, classic rock, folk, early-Floydian psychedelia, intimate pop melodies, massive walls of epic guitar riffage, post-classical, post-rock and electronic music.

It’s the diverse background of the members that lead to the breadth of their sound.

Quelle: cmm-consulting for music and media

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