HANG THE BASTARD – premiere video for “Hornfel” and announce tour dates

London sludge-doom metal five-piece HANG THE BASTARD are happy to announce details of their last UK shows of 2015 and this will include dates with Sylosis as well as select headline shows and a headline appearance at Mammothfest in Brighton.

Ahead of the tour, the band has also released a music video for the song “Hornfel”. A true riff laden, beer swilling anthem that has become a fan favourite on the critically acclaimed album and was filmed at The Underworld, a venue that the band has played many times over their career.

Watch the video for “Hornfel” here: http://metalhammer.teamrock.com/news/2015-09-25/hang-the-bastard-premiere-hornfel-video

In support of their album “Sex In The Seventh Circle”, the band will be out on the road for a short headline tour and they will also be joining their friends Sylosis for some shows in October and November.

Joe Nally (Bass/Vocals) in Hang comments: “These shows will be our last until next year as we are off to write album number 3! We will be playing some songs we haven't played in a few years, so make sure you don't miss out!”

See below for the exact dates!

Oct 4: Mammothfest Brighton (Onslaught, Slabdragger, Feed The Rhino)
Oct 21: Craufurd Arms Milton Keynes (with Sylosis)
Oct 22: Sub89 Reading (with Sylosis)
Oct 23: Sound Circus Bournemouth (with Sylosis)
Nov 9: The Black Heart London
Nov 10: Hobos Bridgend (with Sylosis)
Nov 11: The Key Club Leeds
Nov 12: Slade Rooms Wolverhampton
Nov 13: Live Rooms Chester (with Sylosis)
Nov 14: The Wheatsheaf Oxford



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