ALPHASTATE : New Album Available For Streaming

The Greek Heavy Metallers from ALPHASTATE will celebrate the release of their album "Out Of The Black" with a full streaming on their Facebook page:
This event will last 12 hours and is scheduled for November 27 from 11:00am CET till 23:00pm CET !
The "OUT OF THE BLACK" album has a release date set for November 27, 2015 !
Earlier, the band released a lyric video for "Before The Soul Departs", which can be seen at this location :
ALPHASTATE is a new Heavy Metal band and the main idea was to combine the 80’s style of playing with a more modern sound. Bands that have huge influence in their music are Steelheart, Black Label Society, Ozzy Osbourne, Pantera, Primal Fear, Brainstorm, to name a few.

Track list "Out Of The Black" :
1  Out Of The Black
2  Last Day
3  Don't Look Back
4  Before The Soul Departs
5  Great Divide
6  Road To Hell
7  World's Control
8  Only Chance
9  The System
10 The End ?

ALPHASTATE line-up :
Vocals - Manos Xanthakis
Guitars - Pete Breaker
Bass - Dimitris Tsounakas
Drums - Fivos Andriopoulos (Session)
Follow ALPHASTATE through these sites :
Quelle: Metal Revelation

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