DEAD LORD win “German Record Critics” award!

DEAD LORD’s new album “Heads Held High” has won the renowned “German Record Critics” award as a “Recording of Exceptional Artistry” and has been selected as “Quarterly Best of New Releases for the Fourth Quarter 2015”.

As one does not argue with the “Association of German Record Critics”, Century Media simply would like to say “THANK YOU!” for this very cool price. And one more “THANK YOU!” to Hakim, Olle, Martin and Adam for indeed delivering one very fine album of straight-forward rock music. “Heads Held High” surely deserves the award!

DEAD LORD have just finished their very successful tour with Danko Jones and their label mates of ’77. Three more shows with ’77 in Germany ahead: Osnabrück today, Dortmund tomorrow (Leafmeal Festival!!!) and Frankfurt on Saturday. Get you tickets and experience award-winning rock music live on stage! DEAD LORD are also offering their new and pretty limited split 7” with ’77 on those shows.

In need of more DEAD LORD music? Get “Heads Held High” here:

Wanna check out some songs of “Heads Held High”? Here you go:
Check out the entertaining self-made video to “When History Repeats Itself” here:

For Germany:

A live-clip from the new album’s track “Ruins” recorded at the Crossroads festival in Bonn/Germany by the WDR Rockpalast team can be seen here:

And don’t forget to listen to the album’s title track “Strained Fools” here:

DEAD LORD & ’77 – live 2015:
26.11.2015 (DE) Osnabrück – Bastard Club
27.11.2015 (DE) Dortmund – Leafmeal Festival *
28.11.2015 (DE) Frankfurt – Nachtleben
* + Crippled Black Phoenix, Long Distance Calling, Dead Lord, ’77, Sulphur Aeon, Chapel Of Disease & many more.

DEAD LORD - live 2016:  
12.3.2016 (DE) Naila – CFN Fest /

More touring will be announced soon…

DEAD LORD online:

Quelle: CM

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