IAMX: Videopremiere, neue Single und neue Deutschlandtermine

"Es geht darum aus den Angeln gehoben zu werden, in ein schwarzes Loch aus Wahnsinn und seelischen Schmerz gesogen zu werden und sich daraus zu befreien."
Das sagt Chris Corner alias IAMX über die neue Single und das dazugehörige Video zu "North Star". Der Song stammt vom, im Oktober veröffentlichten Album, METANOIA. "Die Natur kann einen von der Last des zwanghafen täglichen Stresses befreien, sie kann die niemals endende "Story Of Me" zerstreuen und einen an einen seelisch ruhigern Ort zurückführen. "North Star" symbolisiert dies."
Die Videopremiere zum Video, dass im Wonder Valley gedreht wurde, könnt ihr euch exklusiv auf SONIC-SEDUCER.DE anschauen:

Offizieller Release von "North Star" ist morgen, am 19.02.
Zudem wurden soeben weitere Deutschland-Daten bekannt gegeben, wer IAMX live erleben möchte hat hier die Gelegenheit:
05.04.2016 (DE) Münster, Sputnikhalle
07.04.2016 (DE) Essen, Turock
08.04.2016 (DE) Freiburg, Jazzhaus
09.04.2016 (DE)  Dresden, Reithalle

Weitere Infos zur Single und zum Video

Set for release on 19th February 2016 via Orphic/Caroline/Universal, “North Star” will be presented as a three-track single featuring remixes by Future Funk Squad and Mr. Kitty. “I chose two distinctly different people to remix the track,” Corner say. “Each of the remixers were passionate to do it and I love what they do.” London-based Future Funk Squad opted to amplify the percussive nature of the single to dramatic effect, creating a remix that maneuvers through bombastic explosions and tinkling silences. “Future Funk Squad a.k.a. Glen Nicholls is a very influential award winning British remixer/producer,” Corner explains. “He's worked with everyone from Massive Attack to NIN.” The Austin, Texas’ synthpop artist Mr. Kitty opted instead to focus on texture and emotion in his take of the track. Propulsive and expansive, his remix washes the original with room-filling atmospherics and midnight dance beats. “Mr. Kitty toured with us on our US phase of the last tour and we loved the performance,” he adds. “It's an honor to have them both involved.”

The gorgeously-shot video was filmed on location on a desert expanse in Wonder Valley, right outside of Fresno, California – not coincidentally where the song itself was written. “I have a small cabin out in the middle of the desert there,” Corner explains. “It's a beautiful, strange, silent place, full of abandoned homesteads. It’s enchanting and bleak at the same time.” Visually arresting and subconsciously isolating, it matches the songs otherworldly feel of separation from the physical realm into a spiritual one. “The unpolluted blackness of the nights exposes incredible starry skies and it had a profound effect on me. I don't remember ever really seeing the sky like that,” he recalls of the location. “So this fed my imagination. It's an alien world that influenced the whole mood of the song and of the album, and a place I now go when I need to be away from the city.”

The album from which the song is taken, Metanoia is a journey into Corner’s own personal trials and current struggle with chronic insomnia, which crippled him mentally, emotionally and creatively. Nearly halting the band completely, Corner dealt with the mental illness by leaving his former home of Berlin, Germany and retreating to the warmth and sun of Los Angeles, California. “The physical move of geography afforded a unique and new perspective,” he says. Writing and composing the music in this new environment helped him give him clarity to his own life and propelled his music into a new direction. "Being more purist and electronic with the sound on the new record was a way to go back to essence of IAMX - one man, one room, one computer. That's how it began and there was a beauty and ease to that way of working.”

With a new single in hand and a new lease on his life as IAMX, Corner is ready to tackle the next chapter. “I’m in a much better place with my mind,” he concludes. “I feel reborn in some ways with a wiser calmer more realistic perspective on myself and my place in the world. I worked fucking hard, erased toxic people from my life, threw myself back into my art and I can say I am the happiest I've been for a long time.”

The “North Star” three-track single will be release via Orphic/Caroline/Universal on 19th February 2016.
IAMXwill continuing touring this year to support Metanoia throughout the world.
Caroline / Universal
VÖ: 13.11.2015

Quelle: Gordeon Music