RAPHEUMETS WELL Streaming New Track 'Planetary Cenotaph"

Blending a sound that is a complex mix of classical orchestrations, cosmic synths, and extreme metal to portray the epics of parallel worlds, Hickory, N.C. based RAPHEUMETS WELL (Ra-few-mets) bring forth a voyage enriched with lore, fabricated from scratch to show the depth in which represents them as artists.

Formed in 2008, 2011 and 2012 saw their first two demos followed by their first self release full length ‘Dimensions’ unleashed in 2014 that progressively told a larger story portrayed in a complex saga of Atai (ancient architects) who aid in the propagation of sentient life throughout the multi-verse.

From the birth of organic matter to great wars that tear the fabric of space/time, the story of RAPHEUMETS WELL's music serves to immerse you into a world of oddities, which is now continued in the band’s sophomore release ‘The Exile’ due out on March 18th, 2016 via Test Your Metal Records.
With their upcoming release, RAPHEUMETS WELL have teamed up with MetalNationRadio for the premiere of their second single 'Planetary Cenotaph', which can be heard at the following link: http://metalnationradio.ca/exclusive-premiere-rapheumets-well-streaming-new-track-planetary-cenotaph-via-metal-nation-radio/
Drummer Joshua Ward comments on the single:
"Planetary Cenotaph, being the last song on the album, was a bit "challenging" for us in terms of composition as we write the music to the story.  The main character just destroyed an entire planet.  Due to his immortal  "curse" he is floating in the stellar remnants of his home-world.  While his body is reforming and he is adrift he has a lot of time to think.  His wife wife and kids were murdered, his empire betrayed him, he was tortured, he has seen some very wild stuff.  He is processing the events in a very numb and displaced way.  The emotions of the song actually came from the deaths of family members of the band recently.  In the last two years we lost four parents and a grandparent, all within months of each other.  So, this became a memorial song to them while keeping to the context of the story.  What better way for us to honor someone than to write a metal song!"
1. Resurrecting The Blood Gate (4:44) [NCS][Youtube]
2. The Blight of Sotath Shal (3:53)
3. The Epic of Darmak (4:59)
4. Crucible of Titans (4:14)
5. Resurgence (6:07)
6. Witch of Dark Spire (5:17)
7. The Exile (6:13)
8. Planetary Cenotaph (5:05)
Album Length: 40:37

Inspired by the fictitious universe of Sovael, RAPHEUMETS WELL is the name coined to the conscious deity who oversees the anastomosis of the multiverse, the master of portals and inter-dimensional travel. Being personified as a trickster, Rapheumet often creates chaos for unsuspecting voyagers. The word “Well” refers to the gravity wells, which like black holes, are catalyst of change and gateways between the cosmic plains.
“We created this name in hopes of personifying a living gateway between dimensions. We love science fiction and a few of us have extended education and degrees in science.” says drummer Joshua Ward.
Live the band’s concert theatrics is a show truly to entertain the crowd with an opus of metal while still satisfying their story lines in their music creating an intimate but relatable ambiance for fans, especially those who enjoy bands such as Dimmu Borgir, Fleshgod Apocalypse, The Faceless, Emperor, Black Crown Initiate.
For more info, please visit http://www.rapheumetswell.org/

Quelle: Asher Media

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