German DEJA VU to join INFERNÖ Records ! New album out very soon

"We're very happy and excited to inform you of a new band to join the roster of INFERNÖ Records !
This band has already released two great albums on Karthago Records ("Bullets To Spare" in  2006 and "Decibel Disease" in 2008) and will unleash their third one on INFERNÖ Records !

Ladies & Gentlemen, please welcome german DEJA VU !!!
The new album entitled "Ejected" will include 14 brand new songs comibining fine riffings & screaming Heavy-Metal !!!
Expect it to be out in the very next months !! More infos coming soon !

More infos on the band can be found here in our BANDS section >
You can also visit the band website >

For the moment, you can also listen to "Hell Or High Water" - one brand new song taken from "Ejected" !

Very soon the new Metalmonster will arise....
Heavy riffs combined with explosive drums,
a powerful voice and virtuoso guitars !!
Be ready - You're warned !"

Quelle: INFERNÖ Records

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