POA - The New Video

Alternative Metal Band POA are pleased to announce the release of a new video/single, "TEARS" in order to introduce to new/old fan their new musical style.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ID7RRpz9QVY

TEARS include guest appearance by Sarah Moon, singer from the alternative rockers Shiny Black Anthem.  

POA are now in the studio laying down tracks for the band’s debut album.

Stay Tuned for upcoming news and album release date

SPOTIFY: http://bit.ly/Tears_SPOTIFY

FACEBOOK: facebook.com/plugsofapocalypse
TWITTER: twitter.com/poaofficial
YOUTUBE: youtube.com/user/PlugsOfficial
INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/poaofficial/
Quelle: Rockshots Music

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