FRANK SABBATH reveal cover artwork and song streaming

Paris based Psych Prog/Doom Rockers FRANK SABBATH reveal cover artwork and song streaming from their forthcoming new album “Telluric Wanderers”.
The first single “Inner Doom / Outer Doom / Ducks on Drugs” can be heard here:
“Telluric Wanderers” will be released June 13th by ARGONAUTA Records on CD/DD.
Frank Sabbath is a psychedelic / progressive doom rock band created in Paris in 2013 by Guillaume Jankowski (bass), Baptiste Reig (drums, vocals) and Jude Mas (guitar, vocals). The initial goal of the band was to blend various elements from their musical background (Frank Zappa and Black Sabbath heritage, stoner/desert rock, jazz rock) into a coherent whole, while focusing on transcribing spiritual psychedelic experiences.

After a first self-released album recorded in 2014 and out in 2015, the band worked to expand into a heavier sound, more influenced by progressive rock and doom metal, to bring its kind of psychedelia into full flavor. They isolated themselves in a small village in Aveyron, southern France, to record their second album, Telluric Wanderers, with their much trusted sound engineer Léo Minart.


Quelle: Neecee Agency

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