Das russische Progressive Duo IAMTHEMORNING präsentiert das Lyric Video "Chalk and Coal".

01.04. IAMTHEMORNING – "Lighthouse" (Kscope/Edel)

Die Gästeliste auf dem aktuellen Album liest sich spannend:


Nicht zuletzt fielen sie auch als Support von GAZPACHO auf der letzten Tour auf.

Stimmen zum letzten Album:

Dan Cavanagh(Anathema) über das russische Ausnahme Duo:"Iamthemorning are a special duo who emanates a certain magic. In Marjana they possess a beautiful, talented and charismatic vocalist and in Gleb they possess the single greatest pianist I've ever met in my life."
eclipsed 8/10: "In der Tat legen die jungen, akademisch geschulten Gleb Kolyadin (Piano) und Marjana Semkina (Gesang) außerordentliches handwerkliches und kompositorisches Geschick sowie überbordende Kreativität an den Tag."

Classic Rock: "…wieder gelingt dem Ensemble ein Spagat zwischen Neo-Prog, perlendem Pop und Avantgarde…"

Progressive Newsletter: "So entsteht ein farbenfrohes Kleinod des kammermusikalischen Kunst-Pops."

Glitterhouse: "Eines der besten Neo-Prog-Alben der letzten Zeit!"

hoererlebnis: "…man bekommt ein lyrisches, emotionales Soundgewebe, das unerwartet gute Laune beim Hören produziert. Sehr smart!"

Legacy 11/15: "…so mag man sie auch als Gesamtkunstwerk betrachten, das definitiv Wachstumsqualitäten besitzt."

Kscope are set to release the brand new studio album Lighthouse from Russian progressive duo iamthemorning on April 1ST. Lighthouse is the follow up to the band’s 2014 album Belighted.

Formed in 2010 in St Petersburg Russia, iamthemorning features pianist Gleb Kolyadin and the charismatic vocals of Marjana Semkina. The band self released their debut album in 2012 before signing to Kscope and releasing Belighted, their first record for the label in September 2014. In 2015 they toured Europe with labels mates, the art-progressive outfit Gazpacho last year.

As with Belighted, the engineering and mixing on Lighthouse is handled by Marcel van Limbeek (Tori Amos) and self produced by Gleb and Marjana. The album also features guest musicians Gavin Harrison (Porcupine Tree, King Crimson) on drums, Colin Edwin (Porcupine Tree) on bass and additional vocals on the album’s title track by Mariusz Duda (Lunatic Soul, Riverside).

Lighthouse is a rich and eclectic album, with echoes of classical music, the Canterbury scene, northern folk, jazz and electronic sounds. Featuring a story of the progression of mental illness, the album takes the listener through the stages with the story’s central character, her attempts to fight it, temporal remission leading to a final breakdown. Lyrically, the works and lives of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath inspire the album.

Recorded across London, Moscow & St Petersburg, the core instrument of the band, the grand piano, was recorded in Mosfilm Studios Moscow, the largest and oldest studios in Russia. Founded in 1920, Mosfilm is renowned for recording orchestras for soundtracks for the most famous Soviet-era films, including works by Tarkovsky and Eisenstein.

The album artwork for Lighthouse was created by watercolour artist Constantine Nagishkin who the band have previously collaborated with before.

Lighthouse will be released on CD , LP (with MP3 download code) and digitally and is available to pre-order from

“St Petersburg duo cast a shining light on Russian prog” – Prog Magazine

‘Fans of Porcupine Tree, Panic Room and ambitious prog in general should be grabbing a copy’ – Team Rock

1             I Came Before the Water (pt. I)
2             Too Many Years
3             Clear Clearer
4             Sleeping Pills
5             Libretto Horror
6             Lighthouse (feat. Mariusz Duda)
7             Harmony
8             Matches
9             Belighted
10           Chalk And Coal
11           I Came Before the Water (pt. II)
12           Post Scriptum /

Quelle: cmm-consulting for music and media

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