Foul Body Autopsy Unveil A Wicked New Animated Video

The latest works of UK based one man extreme metal outfit Foul Body Autopsy, an EP entitled Perpetuated By Greed, is out a mere two weeks and today the grind/thrash/death/black metal mash-up unveils a new video for the title track. Esteemed artist Costin Chioreanu is the man responsible for the video, an artist famed for his work with Arch Enemy, At The Gates and more.

Watch 'Perpetuated By Greed' Here!

Tom Reynolds comments, "People may be pleased to know that this video is a little more tame in comparison to the 'So Close To Complete Dehumanization' video I released with the last record. It turned quite a few heads, so it served its purpose I guess. For this release I wanted to think of something different. As it's only me in the band, you have to think of new ways to release video and hold interest. I could have done a performance style video, but like I said, it's just me in the band, and there's only so much you can do with that type of video. I've always liked Costin's work so I got in touch to see if he would like to work with me on creating an animated video. There's a story in the lyrics so he had plenty to work with and so I left it to his imagination to flesh it out. He came back a few weeks later and showed me what he'd done and I have to say I'm really happy with the final cut."

Perpetuated By Greed is out now in Europe via Grindscene Records and in North America via Comatose Music.

Stream The EP In Full Here:
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Quelle: Future PR

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