BRING ON THE BLODSHED veröffentlichen "Amongst The Ruins" über Nocturlabium/Alive

BRING ON THE BLOODSHED veröffentlichten bereits am Freitag, den 22.04.2016 ihr neues Album „Amongst The Ruins“ über Nocturlabium/Alive.

Zwei Videos vom neuen Album gibt es vorab hier:

Into The Labyrinth(official video):

We Are The Fearless (lyric video):

Product: Bring On The Bloodshed – Amongst The Ruins
Release date: 22.04.2016
Label: Nocturlabium
Distributor in GAS: Alive

This 5 piece band from the Amsterdam area crashed the studio again and came back with another set of extreme metal tunes. `Amongst The Ruins` will be the next chapter of the band.

Bring On The Bloodshed was formed in 2008 and started hitting the stages in a steady line-up around 2010. Even before this band, each member already has had an extensive experience in the Dutch metal & hardcore scene.

In 2013 they have released their debut album ‘Dark Clouds’ on their own label Nocturlabium Records, available worldwide. With this record Bring On The Bloodshed played intensively in the lowlands, toured the UK and supported international giants such as Hatebreed, Sworn Enemy, First Blood,The Acacia Strain & Thy Art Is Murder.

With their new album ‘Amongst The Ruins’ which is being distributed in Germany, Austria & Switzerland by Alive AG, they are ready to crash the stages with their highly energetic performance and furious beats and screams.  For 2016 they are looking for awesome venues and festivals to play.


Quelle: GerMusica Promotion & Management

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