Billion Dollar Babies - Stream new single + Win tickets and merchandise

New single The Game available just to YOU for streaming during this weekend
In a few weeks we are releasing the new single The Game. This song was never planned to be recorded, but it got caught on tape during the recording of Chemical God, and we pretty much forgot about the song until we found it on the studio hard drive a few weeks ago.

We figured it was time to give you a special treat, so we're giving you the chance to stream the song through a secret link during this entire weekend. This is just for the real hardcore BDB fans who are subscribing to this newsletter, so please help us to NOT leak the secret link to anyone else.

We look forward to hear from you what you think of the song.
Also; we look forward to seeing you on the upcoming tour together with PAIN, The Vision Bleak and Dynazty. Check out the contest below for your chance to win concert tickets and official tour merchandise.

Talk to you soon.
Max, Pat & Frankie

Here is your chance to win BIG!

On Friday October 7th, 20.00 we will unveil TWO lucky winners on our facebook page who both will win some really cool limited 100% official BDB merchandise + 2 tickets each, to one of the shows on the upcoming tour with PAIN.

1. Post the tour promo video link (see below) on your facebook wall and tag the friend that you want to bring IF you win. Add this text to the top of your post: "I Want To See Billion Dollar Babies Live".
2. Send an email that contains a screenshot of your post, your full name, your age, your email and phone details, preferred T-shirt size & the name of the club that you would want to attend.

Add email subject "I Want To See Billion Dollar Babies Live" and send it to: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

*Contest submissions close at 15.00, Friday October 7.
*We can not guarantee you access to the show if you are under the age restriction of the club you wish to attend. 

Quelle: BDB

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