ARKAN - Lyric Video

Die französischen Oriental-Prog Metaller ARKAN präsentieren ein neues Album und launchen ein Lyric Video.
25.11. ARKAN - "Kelem" (Overpowered Records/Cargo)

ARKAN – "Erhal" 

Parisian band Arkan is back with their new release, “Kelem”, one of the must of this end of 2016. You can listen to their first single/lyric video "Erhal" exclusively on

It makes more than 10 years now Arkan is active and “Kelem” is following on from their 2014 third album, “Sofia” released with Season Of Mist. The band spreads a pure and brilliant mix of metal and oriental influences and this new release will bring the band to the upper level with the support of Manuel Munoz who has recently joined the band as frontman. Arkan proposes a mature opus in which they are still working out their myriad influences, where heavy riffs, great acoustic parts and powerful vocals are wonderfully coexisting.

Artwork realized by Seth Siro Anton. Album released with Overpowered Records/Cargo Records

Quelle: cmm-consulting for music and media

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