Kaos Krew releases new single "End My Pride"

Kaos Krew has released a single and a music video "End My Pride" from it's upcoming 2017 album "Returno".

Kaos Krew is from Pietarsaari Finland. They started as a one man project back in 2005 and has evolved to the six piece band  that it is today.
The band's music can be described as “crossover metal” based on heavy riffs with the addition of synthesizers and loops from the industrial scene.
They have released  3 albums, a live DVD and 2 music videos before. This will be the first album with current lineup.

End My Pride @ Youtube:

End My Pride @ Spotify:

Band members:  
Zacharias Ahlvik : drums
Göran Fellman : lead guitars
Jonas Kuhlberg : bass
Ulf Skog : guitar
Sven Wannäs : keyboards
Massi Wickman : lead vocals

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