NICOLE SABOUNÉ – release “Lifetime” single

Swedish post punk artist, NICOLE SABOUNÉ has now released another single off her forthcoming album “Miman”! The track is called “Lifetime” and you can listen to it here:
The single is also available on Spotify and as Instant Grat on iTunes and AmazonMP3.

You can also pre-order the Special Edition Digipak and the LP+CD at CMDistro and Amazon!
“Miman” will be released worldwide, and for the first time outside of Scandinavia, with a newly recorded bonus track (a cover version of Madonna’s “Frozen”) on January, 6th, 2017.
NICOLE is already being celebrated as an underground post-punk icon in her native Sweden - having headlined several shows as well as appearing at festivals like Way Out West with like-minded spirits such as PJ Harvey, Chelsea Wolfe, Anna Von Hausswolff on the bill and recently performing at an Anton Corbijn exhibition opening in Stockholm.
“The past few years have seen dark, gothy vixens make a strong comeback in somewhat-mainstream music… One of the newest additions to this group of powerhouse women is Nicole Sabouné”. (Noisey/vice)
Also check out what Noisey calls “an Anthem for the Bleeding Heart” - NICOLE’s recently released video for “Bleeding Faster”:

Quelle: Century Media Records

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